
I have fallen in love with this blog:    http://www.howdoesshe.com/

Holy amazingness - wait till you see these adorable tutorials I posted on our facebook page!


and scroll down for these awesome oreo cookie suckers which can be made so they are KOSHER! Yay! Oreos are now kosher - so that keeps it easy *wink*

I know, they are perfectly gorgeous.tutorial-061
We are so lucky to have our sweet {and oh so talented} friend, Jamie give us a tutorial on her famous cookie suckers. Boise local, Jamie, is a young mother of two adorable little boys. Jamie often shows up on one of our doorsteps with an amazing sweet creation. Jamie, thank you, thank you for teaching us how to make these.

What you’ll need: Oreos, Sucker sticks, Melting Chocolate, Sprinkles, sucker bags, and bag ties.tutorial-004
Melt Chocolate  in 30 seconds increments until melted, stir often. {Jamie uses Wilton} tutorial-017
Dip a sucker stick into your melted chocolate. Open an Oreo and gently press the chocolate coated stick into the frosting center.tutorial-005
Put cookie back together and press gently…tutorial-008
Let dry for a few minutes…tutorial-009
Dip both sides of the cookie into melted chocolate.tutorial-016
Place on wax paper…
and get decorating…tutorial-043sprinkle…tutorial-021
Or drizzle melted chocolate out of a ziplock bag…tutorial-029

Let Dry.tutorial-030
Wrap in cute little sucker baggies and twist tie shut…tutorial-038
And of course our Alison created the most adorable way to present these as a gift. The tutorial for this ‘sucker holder’ will be posted within the next few days…tutorial-040

Enjoy! Thank You Jamie for sharing your creative talents! What a perfect idea to add to our growing list of Neighbor Christmas Gift Ideas!


  1. I found your blog quite by accident, blog hopping around blogger. I just want to say what a wonderful idea this is and thank you for sharing. I know you got this from another blog. I love the way we creative people can just share ideas like this. This is the perfect little present for my colleagues at work for the holidays. i am always looking for inexpensive ideas.
    And yes....Kosher Oreos was the best move Nabisco ever made. I remember when that was announced. It was the end of my Hydrox cookies!

  2. Lisa - thanks so much for taking the time to write! Thank goodness Hydrox is not a regular thing here :) I totally agree - thanks so much for all your kind words! i LOVE sharing all my awesome finds with everyone - I keep coming across more and more - should have started this two years ago :)
    what do you do Lisa?
